Sunday 10 December 2017

Trisha Louis Foreplay Tour 2017 Australia/Oceania Live Performances

Canadian-Barbian singer and actress Trisha Louis Foreplay Tour 2017 Australia/Oceania Live Performances

Friday 6 October 2017

Thursday 29 June 2017

Gary White and Trisha Louis split up

Gary White split up with his 6 months girlfriend Trisha Louis who has been hooking up with her back up dancer since working on her choreography for We Won't Stop music video. One of White's friends found out that Louis kissed her dancer and she admitted to White's face after the confrontation. Gary smashed the furniture at home and nearly abuse Louis.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Trisha Louis released her 2017 single "Kiss Me"

Trisha Louis released her 2017 single "Kiss Me", which is the final and third single from her debut studio album Charm.

Friday 19 August 2016

Meester Shay Tweets Slamming Trisha Louis For Getting Cuddling At The Football Game And Sharing A Same Room At The Hotel With Aaron

Meester Shay announced that she had split up with her boyfriend Aaron Hart due to the drama. A 23 year old Hart encourage his girlfriend Shay to  travel with him to Louisiana to see a football game, but Shay decided to stay at home for other reasons, A 21 year old Trisha Louis invited herself instead. Louis caught cuddling (see picture below) Hart during the game, also shares a room with him at the hotel. 

Shay believes that Hart and Louis did something sneaky at the hotel room when she saw a photo of Louis "Getting ready to see a football game with Aaron Hart" and "Having a blast at the hotel room before the football game!"

Monday 27 June 2016

Trisha Louis 'sex tape' Admits That It Is Her

A beautiful singer-actress admits that it is all her on the sex tape, she says that she 'can't control' her sexual desire and she was having too much fun. 

"I just can't control my sexual desire, I'm just having fun, I'm young and I want to do what I want to do, I know its wrong but I just want to be free, its just like you want to party, smoke, do drugs and go out with your friends, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking straight and I'm just having too much fun, It feels great meeting new people and making friends with them, I'm just fun loving person"  

The other reason of her sex tape is that, her producer Daniel Game was being flirty and playful to her. Louis cited that he always finds her attractive and adores her. "He always acts flirty around me and it's not like I like it, its just because he's a great guy and he's a playful type of person"

"We always hangout and sometimes I go to his house and have dinner with him" This statement made her boyfriend Joshua Miller mad and went in rage. Louis and Miller have been dating since March and ended their relationship in June 25. 

Monday 11 January 2016

Trisha Louis Charm Photoshoot 2016

Trisha Louis Canadian-Barbian actress and singer, returning back to music, working on her 2016 solo debut album Charm without Meester Shay. Here are the photoshoots 

Trisha Louis Barbian actress and singer

Trisha Louis Barbian actress and singer
Trisha Louis Barbian actress and singer
Trisha Louis Barbian actress and singer

Trisha Louis Barbian actress and singer
Trisha Louis Barbian actress and singer